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By Paul Kirby And Anna Holligan

Geert Wilders: Far-Right Dutch Politician Concedes Defeat in Prime Minister Race

By Paul Kirby and Anna Holligan

BBC News, The Hague | May 15, 2024 | 3:01 pm

Four right-wing parties in the Netherlands announced Wednesday that they had reached an agreement to form a new government, excluding the controversial far-right leader Geert Wilders and his Freedom Party.

Wilders, whose party emerged as the second-largest in the March parliamentary elections, had hoped to become the next prime minister. However, the other right-wing parties refused to cooperate with him, citing his extreme views and divisive rhetoric.

In a statement, Wilders conceded defeat, acknowledging that he would not become the next leader of the Netherlands. He vowed to continue to fight for his ideals within the Dutch parliament.

The new government is expected to be led by Mark Rutte, the leader of the center-right People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD). Rutte has served as prime minister since 2010 and will now form his fourth cabinet.
