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Cables Growing Presence

X-Men 97: Cable's Role and the Season 1 Finale

Cable's Growing Presence

After making appearances in episodes 2 and 5, speculation has been mounting over Cable's potential to become a more significant character in X-Men 97 season 1.

Major Deaths and a Dramatic Finale

Episode 5's shocking conclusion witnessed the apparent demise of both Magneto and Gambit, leaving Rogue distraught and seeking solace in flight.

Episode 9: Aftermath and Consequences

Episode 9, "Tolerance Is Extinction Pt 2," delved into the aftermath of Magneto's attack on Earth in the previous episode. The X-Men faced the consequences of his actions, leading to a tense and emotional episode.

Episode 8: A Pivotal Moment

Episode 8, the penultimate episode of the season, pushed the X-Men to the brink of global war, with Magneto's story taking a dramatic turn.

Get Ready for the Conclusion

This article contains spoilers through episode 9. Prepare to bid farewell to the iconic animated series as X-Men 97 season 1 reaches its exciting conclusion. Tune in to experience the final chapter of this beloved franchise.
